The Afternoon News: Monday, Dec. 12, 2011 | Sojourners

The Afternoon News: Monday, Dec. 12, 2011

THE HUFFINGTON POST: What Are You Getting Baby Jesus For The Holidays? (OPINION)
Stampedes. Fist fights. Pepper Spray. Is it a political coup? An Occupy Wall Street riot? The running of the bulls in Pamplona? No ... it's Christmas shopping 2011.
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THINK PROGRESS: Math Fail: Fox News Says 8.6 Percent Unemployment Is Greater Than 8.8 And Equal To 9
For Fox News, math is tricky. After all, the subject does require a working knowledge of fractions, percentages, and knowing that 9 is greater than 8. Today, Fox took a stab at those concepts in a chart tracking unemployment rates over the past year.
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AMERICA BLOG: Guardian: What The Top 1% Really Owns
Here's a nice bit of animation from The Guardian on the Top 1 percent (and the Top 0.1 percent above them). There's much detail; feel free to pause and ponder the data of your choice.
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ABC NEWS: Romney’s $10,000 Wager Dominates Post-Debate Buzz
With three weeks to go before the Iowa caucuses, Saturday night’s debate among the GOP candidates on ABC was the most-watched of the 2012 campaign season, with more than  7.5 million viewers tuning in  - and the moment that stole the show turned out to be … a bet.
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THINK PROGRESS: Ben & Jerry Explain Why They Support Occupy Wall Street
This morning, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s fame appeared on CNN American Morning to explain their support for Occupy Wall Street.
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MEDIA MATTERS: Limbaugh Calls Poor Children Receiving Free School Meals "Wanton Little Waifs And Serfs Dependent On The State"
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