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Twelve cities in the state have passed camping bans, while another nine are considering laws aiming to evict unhoused people from public view.
Unlike the exclusionary nature of Christian nationalism, healthy patriotism is about helping our country finally live up to its ideals.
M Jade Kaiser, co-director of ‘enfleshed,’ is crafting liturgy for those on the edges and fringes of church and society.
The Harris plan includes reviving a Child Tax Credit to give families $3,600 per qualifying child, and $6,000 for children in the first year of life.
Antonia Can Tuil still remembers the hunger of her childhood distinctly.
And in later years, as a mother, when she surveyed her failed crops, she felt the weight of despair knowing her own children would not have enough to eat.
My motherhood is not seen on TV.
Faith leaders have a message for survivors. We believe you.