
Rose Marie Berger 6-01-2007
Our children are coming home from the front lines- and they have questions.
David Batstone 9-01-2006
This generation does not fear the sacred nor bow to the secular.

Connecting creativity and spirituality, the Reciprocity Foundation, a Brooklyn, New York-based gift and design organization, steers homeless youth toward careers in the design, media, and fashion i

'How many of you are both pro-life and against the death penalty?'

Richard Vernon 11-01-2005

Themes of faith, justice, and fantasy mark the world of teen reads.

Mark Bixler 4-01-2005
The young refugees had come through almost unthinkable terrors to a strange, strange land.
Ed Spivey Jr. 3-01-2005
Fortunately, social structures are well established. If you're cool.
Rose Marie Berger 2-01-2005
'It's hard to see your apartment building closed for a Starbucks to move in.'
The Editors 11-01-2004

A Peace Diary

Longtime peace advocate Peggy Gish traveled to Iraq, along with others in the Christian Peacemaker Teams, to do what she does best: get in the way. Iraq: A Journey of Hope and Peace is her story of their work before, during, and after the U.S. invasion. Told in the first-person, Gish recounts her efforts to create relationships with Iraqis, fight for justice, and seek peace. Herald Press.

Rose Marie Berger, 9-01-2003

A new report from the University of North Carolina's National Study of Youth and Religion confirms the old saw: A family that prays together, stays together.

The Editors 3-01-2002

Young Christians are pushing the edges of faith. Here's a glimpse into the hearts and dreams of a few of them, in their own words.

Angela Ards 1-01-2002
A tribute to LISTEN founder Lisa Sullivan
Larry Bellinger 9-01-2001

Are in-your-face visits to prison the best we can do for 'troubled' teens?

Stacia M. Brown 5-01-2001

For many young people, cynicism and activism can be sides of the same coin.

Larry Bellinger 3-01-2001

Lisa Sullivan has set her heart on politicizing the hip-hop nation.

Larry Bellinger 1-01-2001

"Art has the power to heal spiritual, emotional, and physical brokenness."

Amanda Huron 11-01-1999

Notes for a new generation

Notes from a new generation
Pam Fickenscher 1-01-1999

It is often assumed that younger people have no respect for their elders and even less reverence for history.

New beginnings, on the Web and in the world.