
Patty Whitney 4-18-2011
For three months last year the Gulf Coast oil spill was the major topic of news reports all over the world. From the explosion on April 20, 2010, until the capping of the gushing well on July 15, 2010, the headlines were consumed with images and dialogue about the tragedy unfolding before our very eyes. Shortly after the news of the capping, the government reported that “most” of the oil was gone, and that things were getting back to normal. The camera crews packed up. The reporters turned in their hotel room keys and gathered their deductible tax receipts. And they all left. Kumbaya, the oil was gone, and the world was normal again. The world could move on to other, more pressing interests. That is … the rest of the world could move on to other, more pressing interests.
James Lee Burke 7-28-2010
Sometimes I think we forget whose country this is.
Brian McLaren 7-16-2010
I often say that one of my favorite parts of being a pastor for 24 years was pronouncing the benediction each week at the end of gathered worship.
Elizabeth Palmberg 7-13-2010
Some authorities in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, are upset that they didn't get a permit to build rock dykes between barrier islands to keep the BP oil spill out of fragile estuaries.
Sheldon Good 6-04-2010
The BP Oil Spill is the worst oil spill in U.S. history, much worse than Exxon Valdez.
Jim Wallis 5-20-2010

I thought Glenn Beck must have moved on to other things, but the other night, he went back to his attack on social justice churches. This time the issue was climate change.


Amy Graham 5-13-2010
The Houma Tribe, located in southern Louisiana, has had more than their fair share of trials and obstacles over the last 100 years. The oil spill may be the final straw.

Julie Clawson 5-10-2010
So the latest Nick & Josh Podcast is up and it's a r
Desire Evans 10-19-2009

President Obama arrived in New Orleans last week for his first visit to the Gulf Coast since he won the presidency.

Jeffrey Buchanan 9-02-2009

This will be the first year congressional leaders and President Obama won't travel to the Gulf Coast to honor the anniversary of our nation's largest disaster.

Alan Bean 7-08-2009

What lessons do we take away from the Jena 6 story? Six young men won't be dragging a felony conviction into adult life. That's reason for rejoicing, but as this saga approaches its third birthday, it's fair to ask if we have learned anything.

Alan Bean 6-29-2009

The Jena 6 and Justin Barker are now free to move ahead with their lives. The terms of the plea agreement were revealed in the course of a two-hour court hearing at the LaSalle Parish courthouse.