
Ernesto Tinajero 10-27-2009
Humans drug themselves with violence. Violence has been and continues to be a path for cathartic release and for entertainment.
Seth Naicker 9-04-2009
I have been thinking much about this slogan or caption, "the other dimension of the game." It is a slick and catchy phrase I have been exposed to in my work with Streetfootballworld -- a strategic
Jim Wallis 5-05-2009
In 1965, in a last minute move, the American Football League switched its All-Star game from New Orleans to Houston.
Duane Shank 2-03-2009
So you think the Pittsburgh Steelers won the big game Sunday night?
Duane Shank 6-27-2008

Comedian George Carlin died this week. While his humor could often be profane, there was one of his standard pieces that I loved the first time I heard it and have ever since. It was titled [...]