44th president

Johnathan Smith 8-16-2010
Remember January 2009? That month, the country witnessed the historic inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America.
Bart Campolo 2-02-2009
I want to be hopeful these days, what with Barack Obama just being inaugurated as our nation's 44th president, but Tanya
Seth Naicker 1-26-2009
For millions in the U.S.A.
Joseph Lowery 1-22-2009

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, thou who has brought us thus far along the way, thou who has by thy might led us into the light, keep us forever in the path, we pray, lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee, lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee.

Cathleen Falsani 1-16-2009
The first openly gay Episcopal bishop.

The first female president of the Disciples of Christ.