Steve Taylor on Leaving Music for Film, Returning to Music, the Election and Other Scary Things | Sojourners

Steve Taylor on Leaving Music for Film, Returning to Music, the Election and Other Scary Things

Steve Taylor, film director and rock hero, visits our (mine and Jordan Green's) Homebrewed Christianity podcast to talk about the disappointing theater run of his film, Blue Like Jazz, what made him leave music for film, and to announce his return to music through a new album he’s been working on.

So, yeah, that’s a big deal. And yeah, we’re pretty much breaking the story.

In the Echo Chamber, we talk about the election, Superstorm Sandy, scary movie commercials, and, you know, a bunch of other stuff. Finally, we discuss some common Christian cliches.

(NOTE: This episode was recorded on Halloween, but the screeches you’ll hear throughout are not a ghost. They are Jordan’s daughter, Lana, who refused to nap.)