The Morning News: Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011 | Sojourners

The Morning News: Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011

THE WASHINGTON POST: GOP Candidates Show Sharp Differences On National Security And Terrorism
The Republican presidential candidates clashed repeatedly over foreign policy and national security issues Tuesday night, revealing clear differences on the pace of withdrawal from Afghanistan, aid to Pakistan, the Iranian threat, immigration, and the balance between protecting the homeland and preserving civil liberties.
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THE HUFFINGTON POST: GOP Debate: Romney Aide Struggles To Answer Immigration Question While Attacking Gingrich
A top Mitt Romney aide repeatedly struggled to explain the candidate's stance on immigration on Tuesday, even as he attacked Newt Gingrich's position on the same topic.
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PATHEOS: Occupy Pessimism
There are two thoughts swirling around and around in my head today—two seemingly opposing viewpoints, voices from members of my generation who see the world as it is and call foul.
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Paul Brandeis Raushenbush opens up a hidden but possibly re-emerging influence in the DNA of American Christianity, reaching back to the Social Gospel movement at the turn of the 20th century. And, the Huffington Post religion editor shares what he's learning about religion in this century's evolving realm of technology.
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AKRON BEACON JOURNAL/BLOOMBERG NEWS: An America Less Friendly To Christians? Not In This Campaign
The Catholic Church feels oppressed. As reported in the New York Times, last week’s meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was a big pity party.
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THE ATLANTIC: Supercommittee Failure Confirms What Most Americans Believe About Congress
The failure of the Supercommittee, and by extension Congress, to come to any agreement about how to deal with the nation's fiscal problems came as no surprise to most of the American people who have pretty much lost faith in Congress' ability to do its job.
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THE TEXAS TRIBUNE: Evangelicals Assert Their Role In GOP Primary
The Iowa caucuses have always been about getting to know presidential candidates. There’s an old saying that voters here can’t support a candidate until they’ve shaken his or her hand three times. But for Republican Ruth Cochran of Lenox, getting to know the candidates means something different.
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THE HUFFINGTON POST: Occupy Thanksgiving
Peter Holden is a 92-year-old African American man who grew up in the Jim Crow South, raised in North Carolina. I saw a video recently on the New York Times where he talked about how in the time of the depression blacks and whites came together to help one another, regardless of race, because everyone was hungry.
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