Rev. Gregory Coates, an ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church, graduate of Duke Divinity School, and Ph. D student at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary, is a Christian. His wife is a far better writer. His favorite hobby is sharing an absurd number of photos of his adorable daughters with his Facebook friends.

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For Those Who Study or Think About God

by Rev. Gregory Coates 04-02-2014

It's easy to make thinking about or studying God an idol. lithian/Shutterstock

"It's about God, stupid." I can still hear Dean Richard Hays addressing Duke Divinity School at its convocation two years ago, reminding a room full of ambitious, intelligent, and talented theologians to keep their priorities in line. "You will all be writing papers, reading books, studying for exams. Some of you will be worrying about getting published and applying for Ph. D programs. But just stop. Just remember: It's about God, stupid."  

Meanwhile, I sat there in awe at this powerful message, but also amused at how he just called three hundred graduated students at Duke "stupid." 

Yet Dean Hays was right on target. We needed to hear it.